District 27 Details

District Map

Counties Represented
fresno, madera, merced
Esmeralda Z.Soria
Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 4110, Sacramento, CA 95814
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0027; (916) 319-2027
District Office
512 West 18th Street, Suite 512, Merced, CA 95340; (209) 726-5465
2550 Mariposa Mall, Suite 3088, Fresno, CA 93721; (559) 890-2705
Committees membership
Standing Committees
Agriculture - Chair
Banking and Finance - Member
Economic Development, Growth, and Household Impact - Member
Governmental Organization - Member
Joint Committees
Joint Committee on Fairs Allocation and Classification - Chair