Requests to Hold Events at the State Capitol of California

Every year the State Capitol and the Capitol grounds host various events such as meetings, luncheons and receptions. Requests to hold an event at the State Capitol requires the sponsorship of a Legislative Member. As the sponsor or host of an event, a Member may request the use of committee hearing rooms and the Capitol basement Eureka Room and adjacent dining areas, and will have certain responsibilities in this role. To find your legislative member click here.

State Capitol Building

Eureka Room:

  • Daytime Dining Area:  100 guests (depending on event layout)

The first and second floor Rotunda areas are not available for outside group use. For more information, contact the Joint Rules Committee at (916) 319-2804.

Committee Hearing Room

All requests must be submitted by a sponsoring Legislative Member. Food is limited in certain rooms. Please note that during Legislative Session, Assembly committees are allocated a specific room during each month; and they will take precedence over any other requests. In addition, it may be necessary to "bump" a reservation to conduct legislative hearings at a last minute's notice. All room requests must have a legislative purpose additionally. the requesting Legislative sponsor office must have staff present for the duration of the event. For more information, please contact the Committee Scheduling Secretary at (916) 319-2808. To reserve a Senate Committee hearing room, contact the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms at (916) 651-4184.

Capitol Basement Eureka Room and Adjacent Dining Areas

Organizations or constituents who wish to hold an event in the Capitol Basement Eureka Room and/or adjacent dining areas must obtain sponsorship by a legislative Member. The Member will take on the role of liaison between the requestor and the Joint Rules Committee. A written request from the sponsoring Member to the Joint Rules Committee must be sent no more than three months prior to the date of the event. Requests are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Upon approval, a written confirmation, along with a fee schedule, requirements, and catering guidelines will be sent to the requesting Member and the person or group requesting the event.

All events providing any food or beverages must use the in-house food provider, Statehouse.

Use of Capitol Grounds

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is responsible for issuing permits for use of the Capitol grounds outside of the Capitol building. Visit the CHP website to view the park events calendar or to request a permit to reserve an area in the park. Legislative Member sponsorship is not required for obtaining a permit on behalf of groups or individuals. However, use of equipment such as public-address systems, podiums, risers, etc. does require a Member's sponsorship via a letter to the Joint Rules Committee.

Use of Equipment for Events

After receiving permit approval from the California Highway Patrol to hold an event on the Capitol grounds, a legislative sponsor is required to request use of equipment such as podiums, PA systems, stage risers, California and USA flags, etc. The sponsoring Member will send a letter to the Joint Rules Committee on behalf of the group or organization. The sponsor will act as the liaison between the requester and Joint Rules Committee. The Department of General Services (DGS) will charge the legislative Member an hourly rate depending on the equipment requested. The sponsoring Member may request that the group they are representing reimburse their budget for the fees. Requests for use of equipment must be made two weeks prior to the event.

For more information on use of Capitol rooms, the Rotunda or Capitol grounds, contact the Joint Rules Committee at (916) 319-2804.

Copyright © 2024 State of California

Daily Schedule

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Assembly has adjourned until Monday, March 17, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.

Today's Hearings

Regular Session

First Extraordinary Session

No committee hearings are scheduled.

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