Sign Language and Assistive Listening Device

 Sign Language Interpreter

To make arrangements for a sign language interpreter, please contact Kelli Adams at (916) 319-2800, Liz Foster or Lynda Roper at (916) 319-3702, as far in advance as possible (preferably 72 hours or more), and have the following information ready:
Name of person requesting assistance.

Bill or bills of interest. Date of committee hearing. Approximate time the bill or bills will be heard. Room the committee will be held in. Whether the hearing impaired individual will be testifying. Whether a preparatory meeting between the hearing impaired individual and legislative staff or the Member will be necessary prior to the committee hearing.


Assistive Listening Device

In order to make arrangements for the use of an Assistive Listening Device in the State Capitol, please contact the Committee Coordinator at (916) 319-2879. An Assistive Listening Device helps overcome background noise and poor building acoustics, which can make listening difficult for hearing impaired individuals.


California Relay Service

The California Relay Service (CRS) enables individuals with hearing disabilities to communicate by telephone through the use of a teletypewriter (TTY) and a communication assistant (CA). The hearing impaired caller types a message to the CA and the CA reads the message to the recipient. In turn, the recipient speaks to the CA who types the message to the hearing impaired caller.

If you wish to use the California Relay Service, please dial 711.


Conference Calls

A conference call is one way to conduct a meeting with a person who may not have the ability to come to your office. We often think of this for individuals who live far away, but it can also be used to assist individuals with physical disabilities for whom transportation and travel are a challenge.

If you have questions regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act, or the information provided in this memo, please contact Liz Foster, Assembly Rules Committee at (916) 319-3702.

Copyright © 2024 State of California

Daily Schedule

Friday, March 14, 2025

The Assembly has adjourned until Monday, March 17, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.

Today's Hearings

Regular Session

No committee hearings are scheduled.

First Extraordinary Session

No committee hearings are scheduled.

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