The Speaker, Speaker pro Tempore, Assistant Speaker pro Tempore, the Majority and Republican Leaders are chosen from the membership of the House. The Chief Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, and Chaplain are not Members of the Legislature.
Speaker Honorable Robert Rivas
Speaker pro Tempore Honorable Josh Lowenthal
An officer appointed by the Speaker that presides over Floor Sessions in the absence of the Speaker
Assistant Speaker pro Tempore Honorable Celeste Rodriguez
Majority Leader Honorable Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry
Assistant Majority Leader Honorable Robert Garcia
Assistant Majority Leader on Policy and Research Honorable LaShae Sharp-Collins
Majority Whip Honorable Mark González
Assistant Majority Whip Honorable Michelle Rodriguez
Assistant Majority Whip Honorable Jessica Caloza
Democratic Caucus Chair Honorable Rick Chavez Zbur
Republican Leader Honorable James Gallagher
Chief Clerk Sue Parker
A nonpartisan officer of the Assembly elected by the majority of the membership at the start of each two-year session as its legislative record keeper and parliamentarian.
Chief Sergeant-at-Arms Cheryl Craft
Chaplain Vacancy